Tax Allocation District
The Union City Tax Allocation District (TAD) is a proposed 600-acre mixed-use development that focuses on redevelopment and local infrastructure improvements. The proposed Union City Town Center will be located within the Union Station Mall district, a portion of the SR-138 corridor, and the Royal South Parkway area. With the district’s parallel position and access to I-85, it is a strong candidate for major businesses and industrial investments.
Opportunity Zone
The City of Union City approached the Opportunity Zone as a method to attract businesses by promoting job tax credits up to $3,500.00 per job created. As a part of the Opportunity Zone tax credits, businesses which are able to utilize the credit against their Georgia income taxes may claim excess credit against their withholding taxes.
Foreign Trade Zone
As a federally designated site, the Georgia Foreign Trade Zone (GFTZ) was created to help businesses remain competitive, reduced processing fees and enhanced the movement of goods in a global marketplace. Participation in the GFTZ opportunity allows companies to decrease customs costs, by lowering averting or deferring duties on products assembled, distributed, or exported from the United States.
Occupational Tax Permit Fees ($35,000.00 max)
Each type of business shall be assigned to a profit class based on the profitability ratio for that business type. The maximum annual occupation tax shall be thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00).