Bids and Proposal

The City of Union City Finance Department realizes the importance of honesty and fairness in all of its procurement activities. It is the intent of the Purchasing Division and its staff to stay in compliance with the City of Union City’s Purchasing Policy when performing all procurement activities.

To receive solicitations for RFPs, quotes and bids, simply click here Email Notifications complete the form and be sure to click RFP Posting.


Bids and Proposal

RFP NumberTitleStartingClosingStatus
RFB-PS-25-04Mason/Hunter Resurfacing10/09/2024 12:01 PM11/04/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-25-03Hickory Lane Subdivision Resurfacing10/09/2024 11:33 AM11/04/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-25-02Londonderry Way Resurfacing and Streetscape Improvement10/09/2024 10:58 AM11/04/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFP-PS-25-01Safe Streets and Roads for All Action Plan09/25/2024 2:09 PM10/21/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-25-01Speed Tables09/18/2024 8:53 AM10/07/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFP-OPS-24-02Citywide Camera System06/26/2024 9:52 AM07/19/2024 12:00 PMClosed
Millennium ParkRFB-PS-24-1106/19/2024 10:19 PM07/15/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-10Gateway Park05/22/2024 6:06 PM06/17/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-09Veterans Park05/22/2024 6:02 PM06/17/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-07Grading, Drainage & Paving of McClure Road05/22/2024 5:54 PM06/14/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFP-PS-24-03Safe Streets and Roads for All Action Plan05/08/202406/05/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-06 (REBID)LMIG SAP (2023) Improvements05/01/202405/29/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFP-PS-24-02 (REBID)Public Services Exterior Renovation05/01/202405/29/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-05 (REBID)US Highway 29 Ballfield Park Improvements04/22/202405/16/2024 2:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-08Sewer Inspections (CCTV)04/10/2024 9:55 AM05/01/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-05US Highway 29 Ballfield Park Improvements03/20/202404/03/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-06 LMIG SAP (2023) Improvements03/20/202404/03/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-03US 29 Ballfield Park Improvements02/21/202403/06/2024 12:00 PMClosed
RFB-PS-24-04LMIG SAP (2023) Improvements02/21/202403/06/2024 12:00 PMClosed